John Lenney

Masters in Electrical and Computer Engineering

Diego Diego Revolution

Shoes to Dance Dance Revolution Your Heart Out

@jlenney, @akalaba, @oaramire, @repouhe, @darodrig

music fountain

Fountain that moves to the beat of radical tunes

@jlenney, @oaramire, @repouhe, @nlamprin, @jlewis1

Mark Succerberg

A plant that finds the sun so you only have to worry about watering it

@jlenney, @oaramire, @cli4, @hliou, @nlamprin

Mark Succerberg 14 Jan 2020, 7:48 p.m. EST
Parts picked up, wheels are turning!
Mark Succerberg 16 Jan 2020, 6:12 p.m. EST
We got a prototype car running! Time to build our legit chassis!