Circuit Solver

Created on 20 Oct 2021

Confounded by electrical circuits? New to graph theory?

> Need help with homework? The best method to learn is to write / draw it ourselves. But for complex topics we might not get the proper intuition by just looking at a static picture. This is where our project comes in! We will convert hand drawn electrical circuits into a schematic by performing optical character recognition (with our model). A simulation is then run for the schematic to solve it and give a better intuition of the underlying concepts. <hr> <strong>ECE major ? </strong>Take a hand drawn circuit, convert it into a schematic and simulate it.<br> <strong>CS major ? </strong>Take a hand drawn graph, find the MST, DFS, BFS, etc. and visualize it step by step.<br> <hr> This can be a great learning aid to students who might not have access to other proprietary tools and help professionals make quick and dirty simulations The project can be extended as an AR application.


Namya Bagree


Arjun Sengupta


Sartaj Wariah


Sohan Kulkarni


Tanay Asija

Part Cost Quantity Total
Project Totals: 0 $0
Track 1 Base Budget: $250.00
Preferred Vendor Budget Bonus: $50.00
Remaining Budget: $300.00