Roberto Andaya

Masters in Mechanical Engineering

MechE that builds what he wants


Have you ever wasted time on work because of your physical environment? ChairWare is the answer

@randaya, @eodria, @mzc, @efrainb


Giant Tank Simulator. Face off against a friend in a classic tank vs tank duel.

@randaya, @mzc, @efrainb, @amilford, @schoo


Experience the true drama and adrenaline of survival as you fly through narrow gaps in immersive first person VR

@randaya, @mzc, @efrainb, @amilford, @sdscott

RealFlight 19 Jan 2018, 12:55 a.m. EST
Motor system now online. Bluetooth truly working final final 2.0 . Game is an experience bruh.
RealFlight 19 Jan 2018, 5:12 p.m. EST
This was the best Build 18 of my career. We finished literally everything we wanted and it was not last minute. We presented and nothing exploded. Such a smooth experience. Shout out to all the officers for helping us out and being bros.
RealFlight 19 Jan 2018, 4:48 a.m. EST
hit some bugs and build problems. Our team marches forward and waiting for that second wind.